FRANCK AMIACH has worked as an actor for many years ( aka Franck Amiack ) and along with his acting career, Franck successively wrote, directed and produced plays, TV concepts and films.

MEDIANCIA therefore offers production services for the Film and Theatre industries.

The company initially worked in France and is now developing its activity in the USA.

Past plays and films include:

- "Olly": a short film directed by Anthony Caldarella,

- "Yes, I Cannes": a short film directed by Franck Amiack,

- "Drifting": a feature film directed by Anthony Caldarella,

- "Miss Margarida's way": a play written by Roberto Athayde,

- "One Man Show", a one character show directed by Franck Amiack,

- "Reversed", a short film directed by Franck Amiack,

- "Canto", a short film directed by Muriel Freoa and Franck Amiack,

- "1999", a short film directed by Stephane Bouquet,

- "Hors Jeu", a short film directed by Stephane Bouquet.

Current projects include:

- "Jules Verne: fiction or reality", a TV series based on the novel by Nathalie Rouviere ( website )

- "Perceptions" a feature film by Franck Amiack,

- "Scream", a play by Franck Amiack, adapted from "Coup de Griff" by Bernard Fructus,

- "Beyond Glamorous", a short film by Franck Amiack, based on "The Actress's new face" by Susan C. Hunter

- "Be the Boss", a comedy TV series by Franck Amiack.


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